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Showing posts from April, 2009


I'm back and packing again LOL P0rtugal was superduber amazing It was indescribable really and did you know they have mountains there well I didn't.. Before Portugal my friend P asked me what type of guys I'm into.. well I have the answer: PORTUGUESE!! really so many cute guys in one place I was blinded -- And yay I've been to Lisboa so I can cross that one of my list though it was rather disappointing I imagined something.. rather different -- oh and of course I had to be some sort of different from the rest of the group I was the one who got sick yes, me of course who else? I had to go to the hospital and wait for almost 2 hours to hear I had an inflammation in my ear well I kinda figured out that myself duh^^ well the doc gave me some heavy antibiotics and some painkillers and I was all set to go again .. well I have to do some more because tomorrow I'm leaving to the UK for 4 or 5 days! Yay I'll stay in B&B's Oh boy I hope I'll survive talk to y...


Yes! Monday morning 6.00 AM I'm going to Portugal I really can't wait.. today I finally finished the short film about my school and Roermond after I finished the computer sort of temporarily crashed so I had to start all over again TWICE!!! argh... but it's finished now... and yeah! I got my seventeen today, I ♥ Seventeen just looking at all the commercials and stuff and this time there's a seventeen; the 17 hottest guys mini-mag I couldn't disagree more! #1 Zac Efron; hell no! first of all he ain't THAT pretty and further he just comes across as fake.. #2 Chace Crawford; Hmmm He's goodlooking but a #2 place... I don't think soOH! #3 Robert Pattinson: HUH? Seriously this guy is UG-LY... what part am I missing? #4 Jesse McCartney: sorry He's not very pretty, is he? #5 Jay Lyon: excuse me? Who is he? #6 Bow wow: nahh not really my type #7 Ryan Sheckler; white dude trying to be ... it way to fake and again not PRE--TTY #8 Daren Kagasoff: who? Don't...

Quick update

Quick update on me: *ONLY 11 more days and then I'll be going to PORTUGAL yes you read it correctly Portugal *Lotsa homework to do *Going to read deathnote (who thaught about me reading manga??) *when somebody told me about manga I said: What Mango?? I don't like mango-icecream, I do like mangoes in general. (you can figure that other person had to laugh ... a lot) *Math sucks I don't get a **** of it *did I already tell I'm going to Portugal? if not you know now * is very funny and weird *I really want gladiator shoes *according to Magister the average of a 6 and an 8 is 6 (you and me both) *I like French *at school there was something about apples and I thought I have to blog about this but now I forgot * oh yes did I mention that I'm going to Portugal very soon? *I have a gift for always picking the weird books out of the library it's that or all Dutch literature books just suck (highly unlikely... I know) *Discovered a new artist, well...