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Monday morning 6.00 AM I'm going to Portugal
I really can't wait..
today I finally finished the short film about my school and Roermond
after I finished the computer sort of temporarily crashed so I had to start all over again
TWICE!!! argh...
but it's finished now...
and yeah! I got my seventeen today,
I ♥ Seventeen
just looking at all the commercials and stuff
and this time there's a seventeen; the 17 hottest guys mini-mag
I couldn't disagree more!
#1 Zac Efron; hell no!
first of all he ain't THAT pretty and further he just comes across as fake..
#2 Chace Crawford; Hmmm
He's goodlooking but a #2 place... I don't think soOH!
#3 Robert Pattinson: HUH?
Seriously this guy is UG-LY... what part am I missing?
#4 Jesse McCartney: sorry
He's not very pretty, is he?
#5 Jay Lyon: excuse me?
Who is he?
#6 Bow wow: nahh
not really my type
#7 Ryan Sheckler; white dude trying to be ... it
way to fake and again not PRE--TTY
#8 Daren Kagasoff: who?
Don't know him, but he doesn't look too bad
#9 Tristan Wilds: maybe next time
No sorry he seems very kind but number 9 don't think so
#10 Kellan Lutz: ...
again what am I missing?
#11 Ed Westwick: hot as hell
no haha he should be like definitely in top 3
#12 Jonas brothers; wanna bees
Little too much for me
#13 Ne-Yo: = NO-WAY
sorry good artist and thats it..
#14 Chris Pine; exactly
right spot for him
#15 Penn Badgley: not so sure
He ain't ugly but handsome? no...
#16 Boys like girls: scusi?
who are they???
#17 Taylor Launter: looks familiar
but I don't like ever really heard of him?
but he doesn't look bad at all

but thats enough critizism for today..
Maybe I'll blog again this weekend and if not
I'll definitely blog when I'm back from Portugal..
wish me luck!
P.S. does anybody know if the dude from Taylor Swifts clip Love story Justin Gaston is?
P.S.S. I've made a new column on the left ''Big cities I want to go to''

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Thing of the day

Pastéis de Belém
Cause they are what Portugal is famous for..
And I'm going to eat them (YAY!)


  1. Hai Selina!
    Two days left, I cant wait!
    But your opinion about this hottest list in the 17, I disagree. Robert Pattinson is not ugly, he is cool. ^^
    Oh you know, I have tried the Pastéis de Belém, they are delicious! I tried them in Hong Kong, it is near Macau. There they also talk Portugese, so I think the Hong Kong people copied the Pastéis de Belém.

  2. hahaha I didnt know they also speak Porgtugese!
    about robert pattinson cool is not the same as pretty
    you can be cool AND ugly...
    see ya monday 6.00 am


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