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Quick update

Quick update on me:

*ONLY 11 more days and then I'll be going to PORTUGAL
yes you read it correctly Portugal
*Lotsa homework to do
*Going to read deathnote (who thaught about me reading manga??)
*when somebody told me about manga I said: What Mango?? I don't like mango-icecream, I do like mangoes in general. (you can figure that other person had to laugh ... a lot)
*Math sucks I don't get a **** of it
*did I already tell I'm going to Portugal? if not you know now
* is very funny and weird
*I really want gladiator shoes
*according to Magister the average of a 6 and an 8 is 6 (you and me both)
*I like French
*at school there was something about apples and I thought I have to blog about this
but now I forgot
* oh yes did I mention that I'm going to Portugal very soon?
*I have a gift for always picking the weird books out of the library
it's that or all Dutch literature books just suck (highly unlikely... I know)
*Discovered a new artist, well I didn't discover her but I got to know of her existence if you know what I mean.. well her names M.I.A and her music rocks.. YSYK
*I can finally draw hearts.. don't believe me? check out my table in room 326 (or 325, I always forget)
*oh yes my grade for Latin was not THAT good it was a... I can't type it my fingers simply resist one more try it was a 4.1
*I ♥ spring
*last night well evening 9.00 PM I was on the streets talking to my trainer and friend (usually I'm home at 8.30 PM) and mum came looking for me and she was very VERY VERY angry
I thought I was going to die right there
that was my first almost dead experience
*ran out of facts

Thing of the day is...
Barkleys tastefully intense mints
cause Oh boy they are good!
And that box is just so retro <3

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  1. 1) Yeah, 11 more days and you guys will all ditch me. Awesome.
    2) Homework is lame.
    3) Death Note is LOVE. I just finished reading the 4th part.
    4) Mango's are cool and delicious. I love Mango (the shop), even more. No wait, I don't. I prefer the fruit.
    5) Maths is fun. I seriously mean this. I like maths. NERD ALERT. WEEWEEWEE (sirens)
    6) Did I already tell you, you guys are going to ditch me? And leave me behind with all those mean girls at school. (AB.S-S)
    8) Gladiator shoes are nice!
    9) Magister is not nice!
    10) Oui oui, j'aime Francais aussi.
    11) I'm allergic to apples.
    12) Oh, yes! Did I mention I'll die if you leave me behind?
    13) At least you have a gift.
    14) Lalala!
    15) Room 325, I've seen the hearts. Drawing on those tables is illegal, Selina. (justkiddin')
    16) Latin is fun, even though there are only five people who pay attention. And there is AB-SS. How could I forget?
    17) Spring is lovely. I love it!
    18) Don't die. There's no Blair without a Serena. Duh?
    19) Ran out of comments.

    - That box thing is cool. Barkleys (or whatever it said on the lil box).


  2. PS. Bring me a souvenir.

  3. hahah Pauline you ROCK! and no I won't die cause theirs no Blair without a Serena and no Serena without a Blair DUH..

  4. 10 more days! Yay!
    But who are the 5 people who do pay attention? Vital?


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