Ello ello peoples. today rocked. some quotes: *names have been changed in order to protect their privacy. especially mine. --- Leos*: What time is it? Sal: 2 2 2 --- Leos:* You know, Lora* is such a liar. Sal: Big time. -- Paul*:that shirt... Sal: is a big no-no. -- Sal: HOLY MOTHER F'ERS --- Leos*: She is so... Sal: Fugly. --- Leos*: Randy's* BF slept with Becca*... Sal (rappin'): How low can you go? Can ya bring it till tha floor? --- Leos*: Maritza* is so sad.. Sal: So beyond the valley of the sad. --- Leos*: So Timmy* was crying.. Sal: Big Boo-Hoo --- Leos*: MOFO! (mother f***er) --- Leos* acting like an idiot- Sal: MOFO-ALERT! --- Sis*: What is that triangle called? (math related) Sal: Oempa-Loempa. --- Vera*: Franc'* hair was like totally weird today.. Sal: Like Jay's* hair is all the time? --- Sal: I'm gonna call my dog 'Appelflap' (flapjack). Dad*: You always think about food don't you..? Sal: Big shocker there. --- Mom*: Sal, you want this ...
Rambling on and on about my silly life. (Note the sarcasm).