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Showing posts from December, 2009

swiss cheese

I found the recipe for Pasteis de Belem. yay. but you cant buy all ingredients in the supermarket so theres a slight problem. but hé at least i've got the recipe. my brain is like swiss cheese. full of holes. i cant remember anything. i just walked to the kitchen to pour myself a drink and i thought of something important that i needed to look up on the internet. when i got back to the computer all i remembered that i was about to do something important. last night we gave presents for christmas, i got booze, Snickers and shower gel. always great to know how the family thinks of me... I have a couple of new favourite movies: The man, Money pit, Are we done yet. I love all of them. especially the money pit, so old (1986), so good. Comment


Wow. time flies when you have a concussion and sort of whiplash. seriously derailed. anyway lots happened and yet again nothing really happened, or at least is not worth mentioning here... school is taking so much time. al these essays (you are supposed to make together and in the end YOU end up doing all the work or almost all the work yourself. yes I really really love those people who don't give a friggen arse about schoolwork, thanks mate.) anyway. I'm this (makes that gesture with her fingers almost pressed together) close to a mental breakdown. Today I saw 2012, my mom doesnt like John Cusack so when he appeared on screen i was like Oh no jeezzz. but then i discovered he is quite good, i kinda already knew that but my mom washed my brain xD I fell in love with this Sasha (still talking bout the movie), that accent *drewldrewl*, i really dont understand why HE had to die, the movie would have been a lot better if he survived until the end and if I were in it LOL. anyweyz....